Jessye Kass

Jessye offers customized talent development and recruitment solutions for mission-driven organizations. She specializes in providing personalized cost effective contracts that prioritize the candidate experience and deliver excellent talent swiftly and efficiently. Her work is grounded in DEI practices and she has proven success hiring niche, hard to fill roles for nonprofits and healthcare companies.

Jessye combines 10+ years in the nonprofit industry, executive leadership experience, an MBA, international work history, and a lifelong commitment to social impact and empathy-grounded practices, to deliver her recruiting, HR consulting, leadership coaching, and workshop facilitation offerings through her work at Jessye Kass Consulting.

Jessye has served as the Executive Director of the Cambridge Women's Center, has 13 years of leadership experience, and has been running her own consulting firm since 2021. She graduated summa cum laude with highest honors and a BA from Brandeis University and received her MBA from Quantic School of Business and Technology. When she is not connecting great talent to important missions, she is spending time with dogs, cats, and chickens on a growing homestead in upstate New York.